با افزونه پیوست شما میتوانید اعداد را در اکسل بحروف نمایش دهید.
Sub sumit()
Dim mainWorkBook
Set mainWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook
intRows = mainWorkBook.Sheets("Main").UsedRange.Rows.Count
'MsgBox intRows
For i = 1 To intRows
intValue = mainWorkBook.Sheets("Main").Range("A" & i)
If intValue <> "" Then
mainWorkBook.Sheets("Main").Range("B" & i) = d2a(intValue)
End If
End Sub
Function d2a(strNumber)
blnDecimalExist = False
strNumber = CStr(strNumber)
If InStr(1, strNumber, ".", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
arrSplit = Split(strNumber, ".")
strNumber = arrSplit(0)
strDecimal = arrSplit(1)
If Len(strDecimal) > 2 Then
strDecimal = Mid(strDecimal, 0, 2)
End If
If Len(strDecimal) > 0 And Len(strDecimal) < 2 Then
strDecimalConversion = FnGetUnitDigit(strDecimal)
End If
If Len(strDecimal) > 1 And Len(strDecimal) < 3 Then
strDecimalConversion = FnGetTensDigit(strDecimal)
End If
blnDecimalExist = True
End If
If Len(strNumber) > 0 And Len(strNumber) < 2 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetUnitDigit(strNumber)
End If
If Len(strNumber) > 1 And Len(strNumber) < 3 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetTensDigit(strNumber)
End If
If Len(strNumber) > 2 And Len(strNumber) < 4 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetHundreds(strNumber)
End If
If Len(strNumber) > 3 And Len(strNumber) < 6 Then
If Len(strNumber) = 4 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetThousandsOne(strNumber)
End If
If Len(strNumber) = 5 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetThousandsTwo(strNumber)
End If
End If
If Len(strNumber) > 5 And Len(strNumber) < 8 Then
If Len(strNumber) = 6 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetLacsOne(strNumber)
End If
If Len(strNumber) = 7 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetLacsTwo(strNumber)
End If
End If
If Len(strNumber) > 7 And Len(strNumber) < 15 Then
If Len(strNumber) = 8 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetCroreOne(strNumber)
End If
If Len(strNumber) = 9 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetCroreTwo(strNumber)
End If
If Len(strNumber) = 10 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetCroreThree(strNumber)
End If
If Len(strNumber) = 11 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetCroreFour(strNumber)
End If
If Len(strNumber) = 12 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetCroreFive(strNumber)
End If
If Len(strNumber) = 13 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetCroreSix(strNumber)
End If
If Len(strNumber) = 14 Then
strTextConversion = FnGetCroreSeven(strNumber)
End If
End If
If blnDecimalExist Then
strTextConversion = "ریال " & strTextConversion & " و " & strDecimalConversion & " ***"
strTextConversion = "ریال " & strTextConversion
End If
FnConvert = strTextConversion
End Function
Function FnGetCroreSeven(intN)
Dim Str
'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
'If temp <> "" Then
Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Left(intN, 7)) & " بیلیارد " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 7))
' Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
'End If
FnGetCroreSeven = Str
End Function
Function FnGetCroreSix(intN)
Dim Str
'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
'If temp <> "" Then
Str = FnGetLacsOne(Left(intN, 6)) & " بیلیارد " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 6))
' Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
'End If
FnGetCroreSix = Str
End Function
Function FnGetCroreFive(intN)
Dim Str
'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
'If temp <> "" Then
Str = FnGetThousandsTwo(Left(intN, 5)) & " بیلیارد " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 5))
' Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
'End If
FnGetCroreFive = Str
End Function
Function FnGetCroreFour(intN)
Dim Str
'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
'If temp <> "" Then
Str = FnGetThousandsOne(Left(intN, 4)) & " بیلیارد " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 4))
' Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
'End If
FnGetCroreFour = Str
End Function
Function FnGetCroreThree(intN)
Dim Str
'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
'If temp <> "" Then
Str = FnGetHundreds(Left(intN, 3)) & " بیلیارد " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
' Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
'End If
FnGetCroreThree = Str
End Function
Function FnGetCroreTwo(intN)
Dim Str
temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2))
If temp <> "" Then
Str = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2)) & " بیلیارد " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
End If
FnGetCroreTwo = Str
End Function
Function FnGetCroreOne(intN)
Dim Str
temp = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1))
If temp <> "" Then
Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " بیلیون " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
End If
FnGetCroreOne = Str
End Function
Function FnGetLacsTwo(intN)
Dim Str
temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2))
If temp <> "" Then
Str = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2)) & " میلیارد " & FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
Str = FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
End If
FnGetLacsTwo = Str
End Function
Function FnGetLacsOne(intN)
Dim Str
'Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " میلیون " & FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
temp = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1))
If temp <> "" Then
Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " میلیون " & FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
Str = FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
End If
FnGetLacsOne = Str
End Function
Function FnGetThousandsTwo(intN)
Dim Str
'Str = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2)) & " هزار " & FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2))
If temp <> "" Then
Str = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2)) & " هزار " & FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
Str = FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
End If
FnGetThousandsTwo = Str
End Function
Function FnGetThousandsOne(intN)
Dim Str
'Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " هزار " & FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
temp = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1))
If temp <> "" Then
Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " هزار " & FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
Str = FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
End If
FnGetThousandsOne = Str
End Function
Function FnGetHundreds(intN)
Dim Str
temp = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1))
If temp <> "" Then
Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " صد " & FnGetTensDigit(Right(intN, 2))
Str = FnGetTensDigit(Right(intN, 2))
End If
FnGetHundreds = Trim(Str)
End Function
Function FnGetTensDigit(intN)
Dim Str
If Left(intN, 1) = 1 Then
Select Case Val(intN)
Case 10: Str = "دو"
Case 11: Str = "یازده"
Case 12: Str = "دوازده"
Case 13: Str = "سیزده"
Case 14: Str = "چهارده"
Case 15: Str = "پانزده"
Case 16: Str = "شانزده"
Case 17: Str = "هفده"
Case 18: Str = "هجده"
Case 19: Str = "نوزده"
End Select
Select Case Val(Left(intN, 1))
Case 2: Str = "بیست"
Case 3: Str = "سی"
Case 4: Str = "چهل"
Case 5: Str = "پنجاه"
Case 6: Str = "شصت"
Case 7: Str = "هفتاد"
Case 8: Str = "هشتاد"
Case 9: Str = "نود"
End Select
Str = Str & " " & FnGetUnitDigit(Right(intN, 1))
End If
FnGetTensDigit = Trim(Str)
End Function
Function FnGetUnitDigit(intN)
Dim Str
Select Case Val(intN)
Case 1: Str = "یک"
Case 2: Str = "دو"
Case 3: Str = "سه"
Case 4: Str = "چهار"
Case 5: Str = "پنج"
Case 6: Str = "شش"
Case 7: Str = "هفت"
Case 8: Str = "هشت"
Case 9: Str = "نه"
End Select
FnGetUnitDigit = Trim(Str)
End Function
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