• سورس کد تبدیل عدد به حروف در اکسل

    یک نمونه سورس کد تهیه شده جهت تبدیل عدد به حروف که برای کارآموزان و برنامه نویسان ماکرو در اکسل بسیار مفید می باشد

    Global AlphaNumeric1(0 To 19) As String
    Global AlphaNumeric2(1 To 9) As String
    Global AlphaNumeric3(1 To 9) As String
    Function AbH(Number As String)
    Dim IsNegative As String
    Dim DotPosition As Integer
    Dim IntegerSegment As String
    Dim DecimalSegment As String
    Dim DotTxt, DecimalTxt As String
    If Val(Number) > 0 Then IsNegative = "" Else IsNegative = "منفي "
    DotPosition = InStr(1, Number, ".")
    If Not (DotPosition) = 0 Then
        IntegerSegment = Left(Abs(Number), DotPosition - 1)
        DecimalSegment = Left(Right(Number, Len(Number) - DotPosition), 5)
    If Val(IntegerSegment) <> 0 Then DotTxt = " مميز " Else DotTxt = ""
        Select Case Len(DecimalSegment)
        Case 1
            DecimalTxt = " دهم "
        Case 2
            DecimalTxt = " صدم "
        Case 3
            DecimalTxt = " هزارم "
        Case 4
            DecimalTxt = " ده هزارم "
        Case 5
            DecimalTxt = " صد هزارم "
        End Select
        AbH = IsNegative & Horof(IntegerSegment) & DotTxt & Horof(DecimalSegment) & DecimalTxt
        Exit Function
    End If
    AbH = IsNegative & Horof(Abs(Number))
    End Function

    Sub alphaset()
       Dim i%
       AlphaNumeric1(0) = ""
       AlphaNumeric1(1) = "يك"
       AlphaNumeric1(2) = "دو"
       AlphaNumeric1(3) = "سه"
       AlphaNumeric1(4) = "چهار"
       AlphaNumeric1(5) = "پنج"
       AlphaNumeric1(6) = "شش"
       AlphaNumeric1(7) = "هفت"
       AlphaNumeric1(8) = "هشت"
       AlphaNumeric1(9) = "نه"
       AlphaNumeric1(10) = "ده"
       AlphaNumeric1(11) = "يازده"
       AlphaNumeric1(12) = "دوازده"
       AlphaNumeric1(13) = "سيزده"
       AlphaNumeric1(14) = "چهارده"
       AlphaNumeric1(15) = "پانزده"
       AlphaNumeric1(16) = "شانزده"
       AlphaNumeric1(17) = "هفده"
       AlphaNumeric1(18) = "هيجده"
       AlphaNumeric1(19) = "نوزده"
       AlphaNumeric2(1) = "ده"
       AlphaNumeric2(2) = "بيست"
       AlphaNumeric2(3) = "سي"
       AlphaNumeric2(4) = "چهل"
       AlphaNumeric2(5) = "پنجاه"
       AlphaNumeric2(6) = "شصت"
       AlphaNumeric2(7) = "هفتاد"
       AlphaNumeric2(8) = "هشتاد"
       AlphaNumeric2(9) = "نود"
       AlphaNumeric3(1) = "يكصد"
       AlphaNumeric3(2) = "دويست"
       AlphaNumeric3(3) = "سيصد"
       AlphaNumeric3(4) = "چهارصد"
       AlphaNumeric3(5) = "پانصد"
       AlphaNumeric3(6) = "ششصد"
       AlphaNumeric3(7) = "هفتصد"
       AlphaNumeric3(8) = "هشتصد"
       AlphaNumeric3(9) = "نهصد"
    End Sub
    Function Horof(Number As String) As String
        Dim No As Currency, N As String
        On Error GoTo Horoferror
        No = CCur(Number)
        N = CStr(No)
        Select Case Len(N)
            Case 1 To 3:
                    If N < 20 Then
                        Horof = AlphaNumeric1(N)
                    ElseIf N < 100 Then
                        If N Mod 10 = 0 Then
                            Horof = AlphaNumeric2(N \ 10)
                            Horof = AlphaNumeric2(N \ 10) & " و " & Horof(N Mod 10)
                        End If
                    ElseIf N < 1000 Then
                        If N Mod 100 = 0 Then
                            Horof = AlphaNumeric3(N \ 100)
                            Horof = AlphaNumeric3(N \ 100) & " و " & Horof(N Mod 100)
                        End If
                    End If
            Case 4 To 6:
                    If (Right(N, 3)) = 0 Then
                       Horof = Horof(Left(N, Len(N) - 3)) & " هزار "
                        Horof = Horof(Left(N, Len(N) - 3)) & " هزار و " & Horof(Right(N, 3))
                    End If
            Case 7 To 9:
                    If (Right(N, 6)) = 0 Then
                       Horof = Horof(Left(N, Len(N) - 6)) & " ميليون "
                        Horof = Horof(Left(N, Len(N) - 6)) & " ميليون و " & Horof(Right(N, 6))
                    End If
            Case Else:
                    If (Right(N, 9)) = 0 Then
                       Horof = Horof(Left(N, Len(N) - 9)) & " ميليارد "
                        Horof = Horof(Left(N, Len(N) - 9)) & " ميليارد و " & Horof(Right(N, 9))
                    End If
        End Select
        Exit Function
        Horof = "#Error"
    End Function


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